Friday, March 1, 2013

BGR The Burger Joint

The great thing about the top 100--the cheap one not the fancy one, as you know--is that the dinners are so remarkably simple, the memory of them lasts and tempts days later. BGR is on the top 100 cheap eats and even though I've been there before, I went again just to commemorate the beauty of a burger and mark off another on my list with pictures for proof (particularly when I can walk to one). Last time I went, I virtuously had an Ahi tuna burger and asparagus, though, so when I went recently, I had to at least get something that collectively had more than 200 calories. But really, on my commute home tonight, on an innocuous turn in the road and days later after my burger night out, the taste of BGR burger flashed into my head. The Key Bridge usually doesn't inspire emotions like that.

Like last time, I got asparagus, generously drenched in spices and more importantly, Parmesan cheese, and a burger and fries. But, we'll get to those later. I almost got a chocolate-covered-strawberry shake too, to hit my 200 calories (times five) but instead had half a bottle of wine at home and burger-takeout. Sometimes people have to make sacrifices.

Maybe it was the wine or maybe I'm anemic, but it was love at first sight. After waiting an interminably long period of time for my food (five minutes seems like five hours when waiting for burgers while you can hear them sizzle on the grill), I ate two asparagus spears on the two-block walk home with my to-go bag. I'll leave that to your imagination whether that looks awkward or not. Then it was like I got a new pet in the house--I wanted to document every step of its existence. I photographed my dinner and two side dishes while in the bag.

I wanted to remember what eating asparagus spears more-comprised-of-Parmesan-than-vegetable looked like.

I even wanted to photograph the bag, to remind myself later that I went there. I had fries and asparagus, remember, self? I didn't even have to choose.

About the fries: I got garlic fries, which were brilliantly served with roasted garlic. You eat a fry, you eat a clove. It goes just like that.

I tucked into the burger with every intent to eat just a bit (like, say, half). After all, you recall I had two sides. I brilliantly ensured I kept the burger intact, enclosing it in thin aluminum walls, which meant I could eat a logically-composed bite every time with juicy meat, juicy tomato, and just-rich-enough mayonnaise-inspired sauce.

I had an exquisite meal: one I imagine I'll have dreams about later, at least if those dreams involve the Key Bridge. One that, in fact, cost 11 times less than the dinner I'm having next week. Minibar, that means you.

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