Explanations and Lists

The genesis...

Like any good piece of writing, I pretentiously and self-referentially reiterate the genesis. I could attribute the establishment of this blog to excessive environmental awareness, claiming I will reduce my usage of probably environmentally-unfriendly ballpoint pen ink that I criminally leak into the atmosphere with each restaurant adventure I recount in my journal. I could also claim I am selfishly seeking to reduce my phone bill overage charges by not calling my mother or friend Sonia to relate each new encounter with a good loaf of bread or a non-offensive man. Or, I could admit that I egotistically think a faceless, unknown audience might like to read electronic pen scribbles of an amateur food critic and 26-year old single woman. All true, but most importantly, I hope to begin a detailed inquisition into the nexus between love and food. Or (more accurately) the causality between one's singleness and that as justification for treating oneself to pricey meals in Georgetown and recounting it for friends and family.